6 Misconceptions of Having Dental Implants
When you think about specific dental treatments, you may already have preconceived notions of why they’re not right for you. But like with other biases, your misconceptions are likely completely false! That’s okay - it’s not your fault! We watch movies, hear exaggerated stories from friends, read the not-exactly honest feed on our social pages, and boom, we think we have all the answers. We at Stiles Dental Care want you to have all the information on the dental treatments [...]
Four Instances Porcelain Veneers Come in Handy
Spaghetti sauce on your brand-new sweater. A chip in your favorite coffee mug. A picture askew on your bedroom wall. All of these things are annoying. And all of them are fixable, with a bit of effort and the right “rescue” agent. The same is true for some of the annoying situations you may face with your teeth. Many of the bad things that happen to good teeth can be rescued with a single special agent: a dental veneer. What [...]
Do Clear Aligners Actually Give You Straight Teeth?
Let’s get one thing straight. Straight is a concept that’s all over our language. From having our facts straight, to keeping a straight face, the idea of straight has become an ideal to aim for. Straight arrows. Straight pictures on the straight walls. And, of course, straight teeth. But what if the teeth you have aren’t as straight as they could be? Or as straight as you’d like them to be? Is there something you can do about it? Something [...]
Using CEREC Crowns to Fix Damaged or Missing Teeth
You see your dentist regularly for a checkup and cleaning. Maybe you’ve had a cavity filled, or maybe several. That kind of dental work is commonplace. But when your childhood fillings begin to deteriorate, or you bite into that delicious Brazil nut and chip off a bit of your front tooth, a filling won’t solve the problem. Now, you need a dental crown and that’s a whole different game: at least two dental visits, maybe more, and an annoying wait [...]
6 Common Foods That Can Hurt Teeth
“You are what you eat” is, essentially, true. And because everything you eat touches your teeth, it’s also essentially true that you should know how what you eat can affect your teeth. Why? Because eating certain foods can leave a sticky film, called plaque, on your teeth. Plaque carries bacteria. Bacteria can lead to cavities. And cavities, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are the most common chronic disease of children and adolescents. Plus, plaque that’s left [...]
Yes! The Benefits of Flossing are Worth It
Anyone who’s ever been to a dentist, for any reason, has heard the mantra: brush and floss, brush and floss, brush and floss. Brushing your teeth twice a day is effective for cleaning the parts of your teeth that you can see (and others see when you smile). But part of each tooth is below the gumline, and there’s usually little space between teeth. That’s where flossing comes in. Flossing cleans between your teeth and in the space at your [...]
“The quality of knowledge, care and experience you receive from Dr. Stiles and his entire staff is second to none. From the moment you walk into the office till the moment you leave, you are made to feel that you are the most important patient there.”
“I have been going to see Dr. Stiles and his staff since I was a little girl. In all the years that I have been a patient, I have never had a back experience, have always received the best treatment, and am always treated like family.”
“I just had my first dentist app that with Dr. Stiles and his staff. They were very thorough and detailed. They took the time and attention throughout my visit. I would highly recommend for dental care.”