
Looking for Whiter Teeth? Look in the Right Places

November 12th, 2020|Tags: , |

Quickly. Think of three things that are white. For instance, vanilla ice cream, snow, and teeth. Well, two out of three isn’t bad. And maybe it’s a surprise to learn that without some intervention, human teeth are never pure white. In fact, over time, many of the things we do day-in and day-out are not helping us keep our teeth as close to white as they were when they first came in. The culprits in dulling our teeth are simple: [...]

Braces or Clear Aligners: Your Teeth Will Tell You

October 29th, 2020|

Dentistry has been with us for a long time. Cavities were being filled 6,500 years ago. Braces for straightening teeth were introduced in 1819. But, like almost every other modern convenience, both procedures have evolved over time, even though the reasons for needing them remain unchanged. Read on for the Stiles Dental Care overview of braces vs clear aligners. What Do I Need to Know Before Getting Braces? Almost everyone who visits an orthodontist or who is considering orthodontic treatment [...]

Could Your Teeth Have a Drinking Problem?

October 19th, 2020|

We all know that it’s important to stay hydrated in order to stay healthy. Even to stay alive. Still, wetting your whistle requires making a choice: Coffee or tea? Soda or a sports drink? Red wine or white? You have to drink something, sometime, so while we at Stiles Dental Care will never suggest that you stop drinking, we do suggest that you think about what you drink, how much you drink, and how what you drink affects your oral [...]

Dentures vs. Veneers: Which Is A Better Choice For Me?

September 25th, 2020|

Dentures vs. veneers: If you find that you need a cosmetic dental procedure, you’ll need to know which is the right choice for you. Thankfully, the experts here at Stiles Dental Care are here to break things down for you and help steer you in the right direction. We’ll let you know the situations in which you should consider dentures or veneers, what sets them apart, their benefits, and help you decide your best option. Let’s start with dentures. What [...]

Are Porcelain Veneers Right For Me?

September 21st, 2020|

Do you ever feel like you need to hide your teeth when you smile? Whether it’s gaps, chips, or discoloration, there are many possible reasons your smile might make you insecure.  At Stiles Dental Care, we know that this isn’t fun for anyone. That’s why we’re excited to offer you another solution — porcelain veneers. Veneers can change your smile by getting rid of stained or discolored teeth and masking gaps or chips. You’ll get a straighter, brighter, more beautiful, [...]

How To Find The Best Dentist For You And Your Family

August 26th, 2020|

Whenever you move, you’ll have to find a new dentist. But much like so many dental procedures, it’s all about the right fit. Of course, you want a dentist with the right professionalism and credentials, but you also want to go to an office where you feel welcomed and comfortable. Since choosing a new dentist can be a bit of a daunting task, we’re helping you out with this guide on how to find the best dentist for you and [...]

“The quality of knowledge, care and experience you receive from Dr. Stiles and his entire staff is second to none. From the moment you walk into the office till the moment you leave, you are made to feel that you are the most important patient there.”

Sheri T.

“I have been going to see Dr. Stiles and his staff since I was a little girl. In all the years that I have been a patient, I have never had a back experience, have always received the best treatment, and am always treated like family.”

Monique B.

“I just had my first dentist app that with Dr. Stiles and his staff. They were very thorough and detailed. They took the time and attention throughout my visit. I would highly recommend for dental care.”

Debbie F.

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

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